
Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail


  • Running out of fuel – In urban areas, running low on fuel isn’t a huge concern, as you can pull up to a roadside station and top off. In more remote areas of the country, where fuel stations may be few and far between, this can be extremely dangerous, or even fatal, depending on the weather and conditions.
  • 饿了 - 如果您没有充分准备用餐,您可能会发现自己饿了。研究表明,当您饿了对决策和冲动控制的负面影响– two areas where truckers can’t afford to take chances, especially when making unplanned maneuvers.
  • 没有睡觉的地方 - 没有一个合适的地方像休息区那样躺在夜晚可能会出现巨大的问题,并导致罚款。
  • 没有获得维修,故障发生,that’s a fact of life. But if you don’t have access to a local repair service, you could be out of commission for much longer than you might like.



Green highway sign that says Truck stop Next ExitBefore you hit the open road, you should have a good idea of where you’ll be stopping for your meals, when and where you’ll stop for the night to stay compliant with rest periods, and who you’ll call if you have a breakdown. If you’re not sure on any of these, you should check with local trucking associations. These organizations have the knowledge and driving experience to steer you to an honest mechanic, a tasty roadside diner or where to park your rig for the night.

Use the Tools Available

GPS device on top of a road map无论您拥有多少驾驶经验,一般知识和基本技能,如果您没有利用可用于长途运输的工具,就会错过。带有GPS,路由软件和Internet的手机,计划商业驾驶旅行比以往任何时候都更加准确。

There are a plethora of apps available to make planning a long haul trip more exact. These will help you precisely calculate your ETA, your next time available, your true revenue, and your profit or loss.

And, of course, this isn’t mentioning the impact of laws and regulations. From the moment theELD mandatewent into effect, Electronic Logging Devices have been ensuring road safety by enforcing Hours of Service (HOS) requirements. If you haven’t adequately planned your trip, you may find yourself up against your HOS limit with nowhere to stop.

Don’t Give Yourself an Unrealistic Schedule


Don’t put yourself in a bind because you over-promised on delivery time. Add in a minimum of 15% more time than you think you’ll need, to ensure you can make your stops on time, as planned.

Don’t Neglect Your Body

Long haul trucking is incredibly taxing on your body, especially for an occupation that’s so sedentary. While you’re out on the road, it’s important not to forget about your health. While it might be tempting to have the blue plate special of meatloaf and mashed potatoes slathered in gravy, if you haven’t gotten much physical exercise that day, a salad might be a better choice.

Plate of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and vegetables一些驾驶员通过在家做饭来完全与路边餐馆的诱惑作斗争。这样一来,当要吃饭时,他们就可以随时填充健康的饭菜。这也是保持体重检查的好方法,这有助于抗击行业中最常见的疾病之一:睡眠呼吸暂停(最近的一项研究发现了很多很多as 85% of truckers show signs of sleep apnea). Diabetes and heart issues are also common in truck drivers, so the better you eat and the more active you are, the better. And it’s easier to both eat better and exercise when you plan ahead.

Keep Your Mind Healthy

公路催眠是真实的事情,因为任何连续工作时间都可以证明的卡车司机。而且,虽然您可以依靠自己的驾驶经验和基本技能来操作卡车,但事实证明了长途卡车运转can lead to a host of mental health issues

Particularly vulnerable are operators who have been involved in an accident in their career. Regardless of who was at fault, being in a wreck – or even seeing one – can cause deep and long-lasting emotional scars.

Operators also need to be mentally and emotionally prepared for the time they’ll spend on the road. You need to acknowledge and come to grips with the fact that you probably won’t be there for every dance recital or little league game, and that there will be added stress on your relationship.

Loneliness is also an issue. While you might get some socializing at truck stops, it’s not the same as the daily interaction many people experience. Some people like the solitude, but it’s not for everyone.

Trucker drivers, maybe more than most industries, need to include mental health breaks in their plans. It might be something as simple as daily meditation or prayer, or an annual getaway with family to rest and recharge, but including time for yourself is an important part of planning for any long haul.


Man with pneumatic tool working under a semi在长期出发之前,可​​能要检查的最重要的事情是卡车的状况。每天,您都应该对车辆进行步行检查,寻找需要维修或更换的磨损零件。而且,当您需要替换部分时,请务必在Inland Truck Parts & Service
